Licensing agreement
Individual entrepreneur Shaikevich Natalia Borisovna, named later Linikar, included in the single state register of individual entrepreneurs, has OGRNIP 318502700100022, on the one hand, and accepted the offer by act according to the p. 1.6 Of the Treaty, the Site User, later referred to as the Licensee, on the other hand, referred to jointly as Parties and separately by the Party, concluded this treaty (the Treaty) on the following.
The site is a set of programs for electronic computing machines and other information contained in the information system, which is accessed through the Internet information and telecommunications network, located
at: https://azbukafigurista.ruLicensed (Rights Holder) – the person who owns the Site and gives access to the Licensee information resources located on the Site thro
ugh the authenticization of the Licensee via the password and password an individual who registers an Account on the Sit
e, and then assigns the username (login) and password. Website.Authentication – certificate of the lega
lity of remote access of the user to the Site, carried out with the help of a login and password. Authorized
access – access subject to successful authentication. OI
S) – audiovisual works (videos) of the informational nature of the informational nature of the figure skating nature, the right to use of which can be acquired by the Licensee from the Licensee under the terms of this Treaty. A detailed description of each OIC is available on the Website at: ligafska offer (Offer) – a public offer of the Licensee addressed to an unspecified number of persons to conclude a contract with the Licensee remotely on the terms Ofort.
1.1. The Licensee undertakes to grant the Licensee the right to use the OIC in the amount chosen by the Licensee on the terms of the Contract, and the Licensee is obliged to pa
y the Licensee the contractual fee. granted to the Licensee of
his choice in the following volumes:A) granting authoriz
ed access to the OIAs for their viewing on the Site; B) providing authorized access to the OI 2 (two) consultations related to the content of the OIC. To provide information support, the Licensee sends a video file recording the exercises to the email address The licensee sends an audio file with comments on the correctness of the exercise to the Licensee's email address within 10 (ten) working days from the day of receipt of the video file from the Licensee. The cumulative duration of both consultations may not exceed the total duration of the OIC, the right to use which is acquired by the Licensee
.1.2. The licensor ensures that he is the author and the right holder of the exclusive right to the OIC posted on the Site, according to the ap. 3 tbsp. 1228 Of
the Russian Civil Code. The characteristics of the OIC and its detailed description are available on sit
e.1.3. The licensee is granted a non-exclusive right to use the OIC with the retention of the R
ight to License the rights of using the OIC to other persons. Contract licensee.1
.4. The contract is considered concluded and comes into force from the moment the Licensee commits the acceptance in accordance with the requirements of the P. 1.6 Treaty.
1.5. The contract is valid for 5 (five) years from the date of conclusion. The duration of the Contract is calculated from the day the Licensee is granted authorized ac
cess. The text of the Treaty, permanently posted on the Internet at the, contains all the essential terms of the Treaty and is a proposal by the Licensee to enter into a contract with any third party using the Site on the specified in the treaty's terms. In accordance with article 437 of the Russian Civil Code, the text of the Treaty is a public offer. The licensor reserves the right to change this Treaty unilaterally at any time. The licensee independently monitors the changes of the Treaty and familiariz
es himself with the current version of the user agreement. Action on the Site: Choosing the scope of oIC use according to the n. 1.1 Contracts by clicking the "Buy" button on the relevant site page, entering into the registration form that appears on the Site after selecting the amount of use of the OIC, information about the License, including: name, address of residence, addresses e-mail, mobile phone numbers, payment details, and other information that require the application of which is provided by the appropriate form. Pressing the "Confirm the Order" button in the completed form confirms the fact that the Licensee has been acquainted with all the terms of this Treaty in accordance with article 438 of the Russian Civil Code. Acceptance of the offer by the Licensee according to the n. 3. Art. 434 the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is tantamount to the conclusion of the Treaty in writing.
2.1. The licensee has the right to use the Intellectual Property Object solely for personal non-commercial purposes (for personal viewing) to familiarize himself with the information contained in the OIC, without the right to process, to communicate to the public, play, distribute, public display, transfer/grant access to any third party.
2.2. The use of the OIC Licenseisis is allowed throughout the Russian Federation.
2.3. The Licensee undertakes to provide the Licensee with authorized access to use the OIC by sending an email to the Licensee containing (link, login/password) within the time of the working day following the the day of the Licensee's performance of the remuneration obligations provided by Art. 3 Treaty.
2.4. The licensee is not entitled to enter into a sub-licensing agreemen
t.2.5. The Licensee provides written reports on the use of the OIC only at the written request of the Licensor.
2.6. The Licensee's obligations to provide access to the OIC are considered to have been properly executed from the moment the Licensee sent an email containing (link, login/password) to the e-mail. The Licensee's obligations to provide information support are considered to have been fulfilled appropriately from the moment the Licensee sent an email containing an audio file to the E-mail.
3.1. The amount of remuneration under this Contract depends on the Licensee's choice of the amount of use of the OI
C and is specified on the relevant page of the Site. tax system.3
.2. The reward is paid in a lump sum on the day of the conclusion of the Cont
ract. Interest on the amount of payment under the Contract is not accrued and is not
paid. All settlement under the Contract is made in a non-cash manner with the help of Internet-acquiring services available on the Site
.3.5. The Licensee's obligation to pay the license fee is considered to have been fulfilled from the moment of the receipt of the corresponding amount of money into the Licensee's checking account specified in Art. 9 Treaty.
4.1. For violation of payment terms (p. 3.2 Contracts) The Licensee has the right to demand from the Licensee payment of forfeiture (penalties) of 0.1 (one tenth) of the unpaid amount for each day of delinqu
ency. The licensee is not responsible for achieving any results related to the practical application of the information contained in OIC.
4.3. In all other cases of non-compliance under the Treaty, Parties are liable under the law, including, but not limited to, the liability provided by Art. 1253 and Art. 1301 Russian Civil Code.
5.1. Parties are exempt from liability for non-compliance or improper performance of obligations under the Treaty if proper enforcement has not been possible due to irresistible force, i.e. extraordinary and unavoidable under these conditions circumstances that have arisen since the conclusion of the Tre
aty. In the event of these circumstances, the Party is obliged to notify the other Party within 3 (three) business d
ays. If the circumstances of irresistible force continue to apply for more than two (two) months, each Party has the right to withdraw from the Treaty unilaterally.
6.1. Except in the case expressly stipulated by the Treaty, all changes and additions to the Treaty are valid if made in writing and signed by both Parties. The relevant additional agreements of the Parties are an integral part of the Tre
aty. The contract can be terminated early by agreement of the Parties or at the request of one of the Parties on the grounds and in the order stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Treaty
.6.3. The licensor has the right to unilaterally out-of-court order to waive the Treaty in case the Licensee violates the terms of the law. 2.1, 2.4, 8.2 Treaty.
6.4. The licensee has the right to unilaterally out-of-court the Treaty if, for technical reasons, the Licensor is unable to grant authorized access to the OIC in accordance with the p. 2.3 Treaty. In this case, the Licensee submits a written application to renounce the Treaty in accordance with the p. 8.1 Contracts for the Licensee's e-mail address with bank details for refunds. The licensee, within 10 (ten) business days from the time of receipt of the Licensee's refusal, returns the remuneration paid, minus the expenses incur
red. In the event of the termination of the Treaty on any basis, the Parties have the right not to return to each other all performed on it until its termination, unless otherwise provided by law (p. 4 tbsp. 453 GK of the Russian Federation).
7.1. All disputes relating to the conclusion, interpretation, implementation and termination of the Treaty will be resolved by Negotiation Partie
s.7.2 If an agreement is not reached during the negotiations, the party concerned sends the other Party a written claim signed by the authorized person. The claim is sent in any of the following ways – a bespoke letter with a notice of delivery; courier delivery. In this case, the fact of receipt of the claim must be confirmed by the receipt of the Party in its receipt. The receipt must contain the name of the document and the date of its receipt, as well as the name, initials, positi
on and signature of the person who received the document. from the moment the claim is delivered to the Party or its representative. Such consequences also occur in the case when the claim was not handed over
to the recipient due to the circumstances that depended on it. she was taken to the address listed i
n egRIL or named by the recipient himself, even if he is not at the address.7
.3. The claim must be accompanied by documents justifying the claims made by the interested Party (in the absence of the other Party) and documents confirming the authority of the signatory. These documents are submitted in the form of properly certified copies. If the claim is made without documents confirming the authority of the person who signed it, it is considered undeclared and is not subject to considerat
ion. The party to whom the claim is submitted is obliged to review the claim received and to notify the interested party in writing within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt of the claim.
7.5. If the disputes are not resolved in the claim order, and if there is no response to the claim within the period specified in the p. 7.4 Of the treaty, the dispute is referred to the court at the defendant's location in accordance with Russian law.
8.1. Unless otherwise provided for by the Treaty, notifications and other legally significant communications may be sent by Fax, e-mail or other means of communication by Parties, provided that it can reliably establish from whom the message was sent and to whom it addressed
.8.2. The parties undertake not to disclose confidential information that has become known to them in connection with the conclusion and implementation of the Treaty. The licensee undertakes not to disclose any information that has become known to him in connection with access to the Site and the OIC, including any information about the contents of the OIC, as well as to protect the information from encroachment and attempts to make it public by third parties
.8.3. This Licensee expresses its unconditional consent without limitation of the processing period in any way (including collection, systemization, accumulation, storage, refinement, update, change, use, distribution, depersonalization, blocking, moving, destroying, other use) The Licensee has information relating to the licensee's personal data, which is provided or can be provided by the Licensee at the conclusion and execution of the present Contracts, including for the transfer of personal data to third parties. The Licensee agrees and allows the Licensee to combine personal data into personal data information systems and process the Licensee's personal data through automation tools as well as other software tools. The licensee is notified and agrees that the consent may be withdrawn by sending a written notice to the Licensee with a custom postal notice with an attachment description, or handed over personally to the authorized representative for the painting. Licensor.
9. Description of the data transfer process
To pay (enter your card details) you will be redirected to the payment gateway of PJSC Sberbank. Connection to the payment gateway and transfer information is carried out in a secure mode using the SSL encryption protocol. If your bank supports verified By Visa or MasterCard SecureCode online payments, you may also need to enter a special password
to make the payment. Encryption. The confidentiality of the reported personal information is provided by SBERBANK. The information entered will not be provided to third parties, except in cases under Russian law. Bank card payments are made in strict compliance with the requi
rements of the payment systems of the World Bank, Visa Int. and MasterCard Europe SPRL.